ECE Grads,
ECEGSS will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Friday September 24th at 3pm. The meeting will be held virtually, using Zoom. The election for this year’s executives will be held at the Annual General Meeting, so please make sure to attend the AGM to meet the candidates for those positions and cast your votes.
All the attendees would be given gift cards 20$, either Uber Eats or Amazon.
Zoom details are as follows:
Topic: ECEGSS Annual General Meeting and Election
Time: Sep 24, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Link:
For those of you who are new as graduate students in ECE, ECEGSS is the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Students’ Union. It is the student government body representing all graduate students within ECE. ECEGSS holds events for ECE graduate students, including social, academic, professional development, and health and wellness events. ECEGSS also sends representatives to UTGSU, GECoS, and the Engineering Faculty Council.
Shashank Motepalli
ECEGSS President