ECEGSS 2013-14: Call for Nominations

We’ve received a number of nominations for new ECEGSS officers, but if you couldn’t attend fear not! We are still accepting nominations for all positions:

– President
– Treasurer
– Social Event Coordinator
– GSU Rep
– CUPE Stewart

You can nominate yourself or a friend (please include their email). This is your opportunity to shape events for your fellow graduate students that you think will be fun and exciting, and gives you access to thousands of dollars! (DOLLARS! $$$$!!!!11one).

We look forward to hearing from you 🙂


Your Current ECEGSS Officers.

Coffee Break (June 2013)

Hi Everyone!

Come join us on Tuesday, June 4th for the last coffee break with current executive officers in the ECE Grad. Lounge (BA5157)! Free coffee, tea, juice, and cookies will be available between 2 and 3 pm.

You can also submit your nomination as the next ECEGSS executive officers during this event. Elections will be held in mid June 🙂

See More Pictures!

ECEGSS End-of-Term BBQ

Hello ECE Graduates!

Join us for a BBQ this Thursday, May 16th from 12-2 PM at the Bahen Centre courtyard by Megabites  by the the UTSU building across from the Hart House (12 Hart House Circle)! We will be offering hamburgers, chicken burgers, veggie burgers, and hot dogs. Please print and fill out the attached coupon to claim your free burger and pop, and join us for an end-of-term BBQ!

Quantities are limited. First come, first served. Meat may contain bio-hazardous materials and nuclear radiation. Eat at your own risk.

We are also looking for volunteers! If you’re interested in helping us shop before the event, or barbecue during the event, please reply to this email. Volunteers will get extra free food! 🙂



See More Pictures!

Future Events

Hi everyone!

The ECEGSS would like to first thank all the volunteers who have helped us through the year to organize all the events. None of the events would have been possible without their help. We also would like to thank all the participants who are the main driving force for us to plan all these events. Thank you to everyone!

For future events we have heard some really great ideas from individual students. We would like to take this opportunity to invite those interested in planning subsequent events to contact us. We will be happy to provide as much as support as we can for your events.

If you are:

  1. An ECE graduate student and would like to have an event, please contact Mario ( to discuss your event’s details.
  2. A group representative and would like to have a social event for your group, please contact Aynaz ( to discuss the financial issues.

We are looking forward to hearing from you all!

Best regards,

The ECEGSS Executives.