Chinese New Year – Details

Hi All ECE Grads,

This is just a friendly reminder for the Chinese New Year celebration. Free dumplings, prizes, and funs are waiting for you.

All ECE graduates from all ethnic backgrounds are welcome. Come celebrate the Chinese festivities with us on this beautiful snow-filled day!

Hope to see you all there.



PS: This event is mainly organized by Chunpo, Lei, and Alice. The ECEGSS would like to thank them all in advance for all their efforts.

See More Pictures!

Chinese New Year

Hi Everyone!

ECEGSS is happy to announce that we will be holding an event to celebrate the Chinese New Year this February 8th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm!

The event will be located at the graduate lounge (BA5157) and we’ll have dumplings, games, and prizes, oh my! So be sure to circle February 8th on your calendar and come celebrate with us.ย The Chinese New Year event is being organized by volunteers Chunpo, Lei, and Alice. But we’re looking for more volunteers to help out on the actual day. Please let us know if you’re interested by emailing:

We look forward to seeing you there!



Council Meeting

We hold another council meeting on Wednesday, December 5th, at SF2104 from noon to 1:00pm.ย The main purpose of this meeting was to plan group events and assign new group reps for groups with more than two candidates.


Coffee break

Hey Everyone!
Come join us on Wednesday, December 5th for an End of Year Baking Pot luck in the ECE Grad. Lounge(BA5157)! We’ll be serving coffee, tea, and juice between 4 and 5 pm.
Bake your favorite holiday goodies and mingle with your colleagues one last time before the break!
(Yes, you can come if you don’t bake anything :p)



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