Coffee Break: Easter/Earth Day Edition

With Easter just passed and Earth Day just around the corner, the ECEGSS will be hosting an EGG-citing coffee break filled with prizes, treats, and of course coffee! In honor of Earth day, don’t forget to bring your own reusable mug for your coffee to reduce waste and be entered to win one of many prizes!

║ When: Friday April 28th @ 2:30 pm
║ Where: GSL (BA5157)

Coffee Break: Persian New Year Edition

The ECEGSS will once again be hosting a coffee break on the last Friday of the month, Mar. 31st. This month we will be celebrating the Persian New Year  (which was actually earlier this month, but better late than never!). Come join us in the Grad Lounge for some traditional Persian food, and of course your afternoon coffee!

║ When: Friday March 31st @ 2:30 pm
║ Where: GSL (BA5157)

ECEGSS Goes Skating!

ECEGSS skating


The ECEGSS is hosting a skating event this March. All you need to do is bring yourself and your skates! If you don’t have skates, that’s no problem. Skate rentals will free with your T-card! The Varsity Center is only 10 min away from the Bahen Centre, and you’ll need your T-card to enter. There will be Krispy Kreme donuts and hot chocolate as a bonus – yum!

║When: Tuesday March 21 @ 7-9pm
║Where: Varsity Center (299 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 1W2)

Please register here if you plan on attending. By registering early, you’ll be entered into a raffle to win a pair of movie tickets:

Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Info Session

PEO Event TV Banner - March 20


On Monday March 20th, a representative from Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) will be coming to UofT to give an information session targeted towards graduate students in engineering. If you have recently completed an engineering degree or are currently an Engineer In Training, or are just confused about what to do to become a P.Eng., then this seminar is for you!

You will learn:

– What engineering experience PEO is looking for

– How engineering experience is evaluated by PEO

– How you can facilitate the evaluation process

– How to prepare your Experience Record

– What the PPE is

The event will be held in SF1101 at 6pm, all engineering graduate students are welcome. We hope to see you there!

CUPE Information & Discussion Session



The ECEGSS & the other engineering grad student associations will be hosting an information session with CUPE. There will be CUPE representatives there to give a presentation on your rights and responsibilities as RA’s/TA’s. There will also be free pizza for lunch!

║ Event: CUPE Information & Discussion Session
║ When: Wednesday Feb. 22nd @ 12-2:00 pm
║ Where: MC 102