ECEGSS’s Member for 2017-2018!

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the delay in updates! As always with Graduate Studies, things are busy.
But here is this years ECEGSS team!

Everyone who is here to help! (Missing a few faces!)
Everyone who is here to help! (Missing a few faces!)

From Coffee Breaks to Pub Nights, hopefully we can assist you here at U of T!

Until Next Time!

ECEGSS Elections & Orientation Pub Night

ello to all our returning students and a warm welcome to all our new students joining us this Fall term. We will be hosting our annual elections, followed by an orientation pub night, at the end of this month to kick off the beginning of term, introduce new students to their fellow ECE graduates, and elect new ECEGSS representatives for the ’17-’18 term!

In addition to the current positions we will be proposing the addition of two new positions, an Athletics Director and a Professional Development Director. We will vote on these new positions prior to the election, and if the motion is passed we will be accepting nominations for them on the day of the elections.

If you plan on attending the event, please make sure you register below so we know how much food to order. If you register for the pub night by the end of the day on Friday Sept. 15th you will receive two free drink tickets at the event. All other registrations received prior to the event will receive one free drink ticket.

Voting will take place at the event – voting by proxy is not permitted so be sure to attend and take part in the secret ballot (and eat/drink/mingle).

ECEGSS Call for Nominations

The ECEGSS will be hosting our annual elections to elect new ECEGSS representatives for the ’17-’18 term on September 20th! We are currently accepting nominations until the end of the day on Friday Sept. 15th.

Nominate yourself or a fellow graduate student for an ECEGSS position. Only nominations with valid emails will be considered. A brief description of the main responsibilities for each position can be found below – if you have questions regarding a position or wish to know all its responsibilities, please email us at

President: the official representative of the society, organize meetings, and ensure that the society is running smoothly.

Treasurer: responsible for the financial statements of the society and assuming the duties of the president in their absence.

Webmaster: responsible for keeping the website up-to-date

Social Officer (3): responsible for planning, organizing, and leading social events.

Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) Council Representative (3): responsible for attending the GSU Council Meetings

CUPE 3902 Steward: responsible for attending CUPE 3902 Stewards’ meetings and keeping ECE graduate students informed of pertinent developments

Coffee Break: Chill Edition

Hey ECE,

Come coffee break and chill with us, we’ll be having ice cream treats and iced coffee/tea! This month’s coffee break will be a bit early, happening on the second-last Friday of the month, July 21st. Make sure to mark it in your calendar!

When: July 21st @ 2:30pm
Where: Grad Student Lounge (BA 5157)

Trivia Night 2.0

The ECEGSS will be hosting our second trivia event this month on June 22nd at 6 pm. Join us at O’Grady’s on College. There will be food, drinks, and prizes for the winning teams! Trivia will be in teams of up to four people. Feel free to come with a team if you have one in mind, however if you are coming alone or as part of a smaller group we may move you around to even out the team numbers. It’s a good chance to meet some new friends!


║ When: Thursday June 22nd @ 6 pm
║ Where: O’Grady’s on College (2nd floor)

If you are planning to attend, please register at the following link: in order to receive a free drink ticket at the event. We will have early bird registration until June 16th for two free drink tickets, so make sure you sign up right away!