Current/Candidate group reps

Hi everyone!

If you are currently a group representative in the ECE department, interested to become one, or are willing to organize an event for your own research group please reply to this email by the end of this week with your full name and your group’s name.

We are holding a meeting soon to plan future events and we will update people who replied with more details.

Best regards,

Farhad Yahyaie.

ECEGSS President.

PS: Responsibility of a group rep includes: (i) attending the ECEGSS Council Meetings (once or twice per semester), (ii) keeping their Groups informed of the affairs of the Society and other related items from the ECEGSS Council Meetings, and (iii) organizing events for their own group, based on the general interest.

Inter-Departmental Halloween Party

Hello ECE Graduates!

Some of you may have heard that we’re organizing a kick-ass Halloween event this month. We’re hosting a costume party at O’Grady’s on October 31st, starting at 7 pm with IBBME (Biomedical), Chem. Eng, and LMP. We’d very much like it if you can attend but note that space is limited!

Please RSVP by filling out the form at the link below to be eligible for prizes and drink tickets:

Can’t wait to see you all there!



PS 1: If you’re interested in volunteering for the event, please email Mario at

PS 2: If you are not already on our Facebook page, please join us there too

See More Pictures!

Campus Tour & Pub Night (Details)

Hi everyone!

Thank you for registering for our orientation event this Thursday, September 20th! This is a big one! Students from ECE, MSE, ChemEng, and BESA will be attending. Here are the details for the day:

Campus Tour – 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Join Mario as he walks you through campus, uncovering UofT’s rich history and… just kidding. We’ll be touring campus alright, but we’ll be showing you the great places to eat, drink, and exercise (because, you know, everything in moderation). The tour will weave through most of the St. George campus and is a great way to get to know your way around. And if you already know your way around, maybe you missed something, so join us anyway!

We’ll be meeting in front of Sanford Flemming (between SF and the mech building) at 3 pm.

Pub Night – 6:00 pm

Get your drink on with engineering graduates at UofT! We’ll be socializing at The Madison Avenue Pub ( – look for the sign “UofT Engineers” on the second floor next to the music room. Make sure you bring at least 2 pieces of identification with you (e.g. driver’s license), and don’t forget your T-Cards either. We’ll be playing games until 9 pm to give you an opportunity to socialize with new people and win free drink tickets!

Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!

With Love,

Your Super Sexy ECE Graduate Students’ Society.

See More Pictures!