Orientation & Pub Night

Hey everyone!

For September we’ll be holding an orientation for new graduates joining the ECE department. Everyone is welcome to come – we’ll be doing campus and group tours in the afternoon, then having a pub night at Madison Avenue Pub in the evening. Please RSVP by September 10th to be eligible for PRIZES; this would also help us in planning it better!

Date:     Thursday, Sept. 20th

Time:     Campus/Group Tours (3pm – 5pm)

Pub Night at Madison (8pm – 12am)

RSVP:     http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JP32CDP


We need some students to help us in the tours as well as designing/coordinating games in the bar. So, if you are interested please reply to this email. We will have a meeting on Friday 11am – 1pm this week (Auguts 31st) to sort out these. The room number and other details for this meeting will be posted to whoever replies to this email on Thursday.


Your ECEGSS Executives.

Hiking @ Rattlesnake Point

Hey everyone!

Summer’s almost over and we figured a hiking trip was in order! So, here’s the deal:

Date: Saturday August 11, 2012
Location: Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area (7200 Appleby Line, Milton, ON, L9T 2Y1)
Link: http://www.hrca.on.ca/ShowCategory.cfm?subCatID=1091

Price: (transportation from the UofT campus and applicable entrance fees to the park are included)

ECE graduate: $5

Guest: $20 (Max one guest per graduate)

We’ve arranged for transportation to and from the park via a magic school bus. Make sure to pack your own lunch! This is a full day event (9am – 6pm). Details will be sent to attendees later!

Space is very limited; so this is a first-come, first-serve event. Please email Mario (mario.badr@mail.utoronto.ca) with the subject line “Hiking @ Rattlesnake Point”, your full name, group, and your office location asap or maximum by August 3rd if you’re interested in coming. Your registration is confirmed when the price is paid :).


Your ECE Graduate Super Sexy Students’ Society.

PS: You are more than welcome to join us there and bring as many guests as you wish, if driving your own vehicle. In such case, you don’t need to pay us anything (the entrance fee to the park is $6.5 per person which have to be paid when you get there). But, please just email us and let us know how many people you are bringing since we have to make some other arrangements.

See More Pictures!

FREE Coffee and Snacks!

Hey everyone,

Next Wednesday, July 11th between 1 and 2 pm we will be providing coffee, tea, and some snacks in the ECE Graduate Lounge (BA5157). Come by and meet other people in ECE who are going through the same headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome as you are!
Can’t wait to see you there,

Your ECE Graduate Students’ Society.

See More Pictures!


1st council meeting

The first council meeting was held on Wednesday July 4, 2012 (2:00pm – 4:00pm) at Graduate Seminar Room: BA4164.

We had discussed the future plans of the ECEGSS and established new guidelines for the individual research groups’ events.